Mediacom email settings for Android

On this page you find the Mediacom mail settings for Android. Follow the step-by-step Android guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for Mediacom.

Mail settings Mediacom

POP / IMAP pop3
Incoming server
Incoming port 995
SSl (security) incoming ssl
Outgoing server
Outgoing port 465
Requires sign-in yes

Android guide to setup Mediacom mail

1 Open your Email application from the menu, add a new account and choose 'Other'.

If you do not have an account yet, you can start setting up right away. Otherwise, open 'Settings' in the email app and choose 'Add account'.

2 In the next screen enter your account details and click on 'Login':

Email: your Mediacom email address
Password: your Mediacom email password

3 Choose pop3 and enter the following details under 'Server incoming mail':

pop3 server:
Security type: ssl
Port: 995

4 Your account is now ready to use.

Congratulations, your account is now set up. Open the email app on your smartphone to use your email.

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your Android email setup or think you can help other Mediacom users out? Please comment below!

  • I can't activate my incoming mail I get the message Update passward or give account permission to sync to this device. I see no spot to upgrade passward and how do I give permission to sync to this device

    3 years ago
  • I trying to set up my email account on a Samsung S8 that I had it previously on, I removed it by accident. I went through all the steps that are outlined above and everything is correct. It just keeps giving me an error message, Couldn't verify account. Server does not support authentication.

    4 years ago
  • Can not send emails from Phone. Everything set up as described. Everything was working yesterday. Can receive emails. However cleared data and now unable to confirm authentication. Help. Thanking you in advance.

    4 years ago
  • process android is not responding.please solve the problem.

    4 years ago
  • process android is not responding.please solve the problem.

    4 years ago
  • I cannot log on to the mediacom server to send email. The problem started today. I get a message stating "outgoing server (smtp) password required. " What has changed? My settings are still the same.

    4 years ago
  • I used to be able to copy my group emails and past them to a email click the send button and it would email, but in the last couple weeks, it won't work, what can I do" they wont past.

    4 years ago
  • Can not send emails from Phone. Everything set up as described. Can receive email. Help. Thanking you in advance.

    4 years ago
  • I need help setting up my account

    4 years ago
  • Just sent a question. So where do I see the answers?

    4 years ago